Re-tensioning of Rock Anchors with Reduced Active Force for Windmill Foundation

Maintenance & Modification
Vefsn, Municipality, Norway
Project manager
Tormod Sekse Bilstad

Project description

During the first year of maintenance for Øyfjellet Wind Park, we found some minor deviations which needed addressing. 


The client discovered reduced active force in one of the 72 windmill foundations during the lift-off test in some of the rock anchors. 


After using Fatbar M64 tensioners to complete a new lock-off for all rock anchors in the foundations, the active force was up to 100% again. 

 “The operation went smoothly, and according to plan; there were no issues with re-tensioning the anchors with new lock-off to achieve 100% active force levels. The customer was pleased with the outcome.”  

– Tormod Sekse Bilstad